History Books
With a Focus on Genealogy and Family Issues
Published Works
By TC Cottrell

With a Focus on Genealogy and Family Issues
Published Works
By TC Cottrell
A short description of each of my published works follows. Additional information and purchase options may be found through the links on each book title or on the "click here" link at the end of each description.
My genealogy books focus on my family lineage and on my genealogical research into my ancestorial lines. Other works provide research on topics of interest as noted in the titles of each book. Lastly, a few of my books focus on addiction recovery and discuss the gifts of the twelve steps of AA as they have been applied in my life.
The story of the author's Cottrell heritage from the early 1700s to the present with historical events woven into their lives as they migrated Westward - Paperback - 162 pages. The author is not an expert genealogist but has woven family history into a look at his Cottrell ancestry. CLICK HERE for more information.
Genealogy research by the author led him to stories about lynchings near his hometown in Kentucky. In this work the author revisits this shameful period in our history with an examination of the lynchings that occurred near where he was raised and spent his formative youth. The author weaves family history into his ancestry which provides a backdrop for the genealogist to better understand periods in history covered in this book. CLICK HERE for more information.
GOD MET ME AT THE STEPS: - REVISION ONE - How the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous Changed My Life
This is the story of how I found recovery from alcoholism using the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. It includes a short history of my drinking years and a description of each of the 12 steps which led to a new way of life free of alcohol. It also included the story of my alcoholic years and how I found recovery. Each of the twelve steps are covered in individual chapters which not only include references from the book Alcoholics Anonymous but also my personal experience and the experience of my sponsors, speakers, podcasts, etc.
CLICK HERE for more information and to order a copy.
Not really family history or genealogy or even ancestry work. Certainly not a normal book written by a genealogist. However, the author has been interested in the paranormal since childhood. As he browsed through historical newspapers researching his family lineage, he found stories and legends about ghosts in many of the places he visited. Some of those are included in this book as well as his personal encounters in Kentucky. CLICK HERE for more information.
The author examines the leading diseases and epidemics that impacted our ancestors lives as they migrated to the new world and then spread across this great country from the eastern to the western shore. The author weaves family history into his ancestry which provides a backdrop for the genealogist to better understand periods in history covered in this book. CLICK HERE for more information.
This book traces the ancestry of the author's ancestors including the Cottrell, Lashbrook, Taylor, Cosby, Brashear, and Campbell Families from Europe to America and then as they travel westward across this new land The author's direct lines for these six families graphically show how they joined through the years eventually reaching the author's father Taylor Cosby Cottrell and his mother Estella Zalame Brashear. CLICK HERE for more information.
In this five volume set the author traces his Cottrell, Lashbrook, Brashear, Campbell, and Cosby Family Lineage from Europe to the present day. Details on descendants of each generation is carried down through at least four descendant generations when known. Information on living persons is either excluded or intentionally limited. Volume I and II cover his Father's beginnings (Cottrell and Lashbrook lineage). Volume III and IV cover the author's Mother's beginnings (Brashear and Campbell lineage). Volume V covers the author's Cosby ancestry and Volume VI (in the works) will cover the author's Taylor ancestry. CLICK HERE for more information.
Thanks for Visiting
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about me and my published works which focus mostly on genealogy with a few on historical issues and events or my personal experiences.
Of interest to the genealogist would be those searching their ancestry in my ancestral lines of Cottrell, Cosby, Lashbrook, Taylor, Kirlen, Brashear, Campbell, Ennis, and Penner.
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Original Books by T.C. Cottrell