This book is the story of my alcoholism and how I found recovery and a new way of life grounded in the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. As I publish this book with more than 35 years of sobriety I am filled with gratitude and wonder how I went from being unable to not take a drink each day to 35 years without a drink, or for that matter without the compulsion to take a drink.
The reader will not only find many passages from the book Alcoholics Anonymous, they will also find my personal experience with each step that defines the 12 step program. Lessons I have learned by my personal successes and failures, along with those from great sponsors, speakers, podcasts, and members of AA in meetings will also be included throughout. As I am sharing my personal experience the reader will also find some of my opinions as will as how I surrendered, found my first meeting, and how My Higher Power (God) directed me to my first sponsor who gave me the "keys to the kingdom" during my very first meeting.
This book MUST NOT be used as the sole source of recovery which is contained in what we fondly call the Big Book titled Alcoholics Anonymous. References throughout document where I got the information. All references to the Big Book refer to Edition Four. I have also included forms that I have found useful along with completed samples which in some cases are my personal experience and in other cases are a combination of speakers and members of AA.
Softcover ($18.99), US Trade (6 x 9 in)
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Original Books by T.C. Cottrell